I was reading an article this AM about the coming “storm of the century”. With 24 hour weather channels, the need for ratings makes pretty normal weather a countless stream of coming disasters. It seems we have storms referred to as "100 year" events that all the time. Unfortunately, this dulls us to the real need to be prepared for that weather event that truly can be dangerous. It’s also a matter of definition as a “storm” that upsets your personal normal in dramatic ways doesn’t have to be, and usually isn’t, weather related.

You must be prepared for a storm of any kind. A family illness or job loss can be financially challenging and change what was normal living into a daily struggle to pay bills or buy food. You can’t know the specifics of something that is on the horizon, but you can take steps to mitigate the impacts to you and your family.

Evaluate your personal emergency plans today.

Rocky Mountain Readiness can help.

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